Still life with flour

I am pretty sure the White Wings marketing department put their all-purpose flour in shiny blue bags so people would make paintings of those bags. The red bag for their self-raising flour is even more enticing, but a little bright and obvious for my taste. I have painted these bags before many years ago, and I may do it again. I have seen a lot of other Australian painters do the same. They usually, however, render the flour bag in a photorealist style. I lack the patience and the inclination to do so: why not just take a photo?

Pig with a Pearl Earring … or pearl before swine

You may recall I painted Kermit the frog in the manner of Jacques Louis David’s Death of Marat a few weeks back. One of my online friends made the inspired suggestion I should create a companion portrait of Kermit’s star-crossed lover, Miss Piggy as Charlotte Corday. Thanks Candia!

I was unable to find a portrait of Corday that spoke to me, but I always fancied having a bash at a Vermeer. Thus this effort. It was only after I started the painting that I realised Miss Piggy’s ears are on TOP of her head.